L-aqwa Bitcoin Sportsbooks fi []
Our team at Crypto2.co offers an informed viewpoint on the use and adoption of digital assets. Hawn, aħna nirrevedu u nikkuntrastaw l-offerti tal-websajts tal-imħatri sportivi Bitcoin tal-ogħla livell li jappellaw lid-dilettanti tal-isport.
Ir-reviżuri tagħna skrutinizzaw diversi sportsbooks favur il-kripto biex jindikaw l-aħjar dawk li jiżguraw tranżazzjonijiet sikuri, joffru firxa wiesgħa ta' sports għall-imħatri, u jipprovdu odds kompetittivi. If you're seeking more than just reviews of the bookmakers, tista’ ssir taf dwar il-kriterji tagħna fit-tieni parti ta’ din il-gwida.
Il-Fuq 14 Websajts tal-Imħatri Sportivi b'Bitcoin u Kriptos Oħrajn []

Reviżjoni tal-ishma

Stake.com hija marka magħrufa fid-dinja tal-logħob tal-azzard kripto, rikonoxxuta għal-liċenzja tal-logħob Curacao tagħha u l-aqwa pjattaformi tal-imħatri sportivi u tal-każinò Bitcoin. Is-sezzjoni tal-każinò toffri diversi karatteristiċi eċċitanti bħal sfidi ta’ kuljum, tournaments ta' slots, tiġrijiet, u promozzjonijiet tħajjar bħal “Irbaħ il-Casino.” Il-klabb VIP tagħhom, programm ta’ lealtà uniku, jippremja lill-plejers hekk kif jimxu permezz ta' livelli differenti. F'termini ta 'għażliet ta' ħlas, Stake.com jaċċetta mhux biss Bitcoin iżda wkoll Litecoin, Ethereum, Tron, Ripple, Dogecoin, Bitcoin Cash, u Tether.
Simili għal sportsbooks oħra li jaċċettaw Bitcoin, Stake jipprovdi odds għal firxa wiesgħa ta 'sports aċċessibbli permezz tal- “L-Isports Kollha” sezzjoni. Għall-imħatri ħajjin, il “Avvenimenti Live” is-sezzjoni tippermettilek tagħżel minn sports differenti u toffri l-għażla li tara streams ħajjin jew tagħmel imħatri prop fuq il-basketball, futbol, u tennis. Jekk int interessat fl-eSports, tista' timħatri fuq ir-rebbieħ tal-partita jew ir-riżultati speċifiċi tal-mappa/rawnd waqt li tara stream live fuq pjattaformi bħal Twitch. Hawn huma l-karatteristiċi ewlenin tal-imħatri b'Bitcoin fuq Stake.com:
- Live streams huma disponibbli għal esperjenzi mtejba tal-imħatri.
- L-imħatri huma aċċettati fuq il-politika u l-avvenimenti tad-divertiment.
- L-imħatri sportivi jistgħu jipparteċipaw fit-tiġrijiet ta 'kuljum għal eċċitament addizzjonali.
- Isiru b’xejn ta’ kull ġimgħa għall-imħatri biex jirbħu premjijiet.
- Promozzjoni speċjali għal March Madness toffri l-opportunità li tirdoppja r-rebħ tiegħek.
Bonus ta' merħba
Esklussiva 10% Rakeback u 200% Merħba Bonus sa $1,000 fi Crypto.
Lingwi appoġġjati
Deutsch, Ingliż Brittaniku, Spanjol, Franċiż, Ħindi, Indoneżjan, Ġappuniż, Korean, Pollakk, Portugiż, Russu, Tork, Vjetnamiż, Ċiniż, Finlandja
Kripto-muniti aċċettati
Stabbilit taħt il-liġijiet tal-Kosta Rika
L-operazzjoni tas-sena bdiet

BC.Reviżjoni tal-Logħba

BC.Game huwa websajt tal-logħob tal-azzard onlajn liċenzjat f'Curacao, li toffri pjattaforma faċli għall-mowbajl li taċċetta Bitcoin u aktar 15 kripto-muniti alternattivi. Minbarra l-imħatri sportivi ma 'BTC, din il-marka tipprovdi prodotti tal-każinò u tal-lotterija. Il-websajt fiha kollezzjoni impressjonanti ta 'over 7,000 Logħob tal-każinò, with a majority of them being video slots. These games have been certified by iTechLabs for their Return to Player (RTP) rati. When it comes to table games, BC.Game offers nearly 100 għażliet, including both Random Number Generator (RNG) u logħob ta' negozjanti ħajjin, ensuring a wide selection of baccarat, blackjack, and roulette variations. The live casino table games are powered by Evolution and include variations such as “ebda kummissjoni” baccarat, Bac Bo, and single-deck blackjack, which boast theoretical RTP rates close to 99%. BC.Game is also renowned for its appealing welcome bonus and well-developed VIP program, attracting gamblers seeking enticing rewards.
On the BC.Game website’s crypto sports betting section, you can easily find popular sports events listed under “Popular Now”. The available sports for betting include soccer, basketball, cricket, eSports, American football, ice hockey, handball, table tennis, u iktar. The eSports section is particularly extensive, featuring games like NBA 2K, FIFA, CS-GO, Valutazzjoni, and Dota 2. You have the option to place live or pre-match wagers, with a variety of betting options such as totals, żvantaġġi, first-to-score, team predictions, and individual player predictions.
- Offers odds on eCricket and eShooter.
- Accepts Near and Cosmos payments.
- Provides a player live chat with special features.
- Audited by iTech Labs.
- Holds licenses for both the sportsbook and casino in Curacao.
Bonus ta' merħba
300% bonus ta' depożitu sa $20,000
Lingwi appoġġjati
Ingliż, Ċiniż, Filippin, Tork, Russu, Korean, Għarbi, Finlandja, Vjetnamiż, Franċiż, Portugiż, Pollakk, Indoneżjan, Spanjol, Deutsch, Taljan, u Ebrajk
Kripto-muniti aċċettati
Gvern ta' Curacao
L-operazzjoni tas-sena bdiet

Blokk Lucky

Lucky Block Casino, li ħarġu tard 2022, quickly establishes itself as a top destination for crypto gambling enthusiasts. Hija toffri firxa wiesgħa ta 'logħob tal-casino, għażliet ta' mħatri sportivi, and attractive rewards, all facilitated through major cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, Ethereum, u Tether.
B’kollezzjoni ta’ fuq 2,700 logħob minn aktar minn 50 fornituri ewlenin tas-softwer, Lucky Block jipprovdi esperjenza tal-logħob diversa li tinkludi slots, logħob tal-mejda, negozjanti ħajjin, u sportsbook estensiv, ensuring that every player can find their preferred form of entertainment.
The casino’s slot selection is particularly impressive, ikkaratterizzata fuq 2,000 titles that range from classic 3-reel slots to modern video slots and high-volatility games. Iżviluppaturi rinomati bħal Pragmatic Play u NetEnt jikkontribwixxu titoli popolari, including themed slots such as Narcos and Game of Thrones.
For players looking for the chance to win life-changing sums, Lucky Block offers progressive jackpot slots like Divine Fortune and Mega Moolah. Barra minn hekk, daily jackpot drops add excitement and more opportunities to win big.
Those seeking alternatives to slots can enjoy Lucky Block’s specialty games collection, which includes video poker, tombla, scratch cards, u logħob tad-dadi. The casino also offers a wide range of table game variants, inkluż roulette, blackjack, baccarat, u poker.
To provide an immersive gaming experience, Lucky Block features a live dealer section where players can enjoy world-class games like blackjack, roulette, u baccarat. These games are streamed in high-definition quality from state-of-the-art studios, li jippermetti lill-plejers jinteraġixxu ma 'negozjanti reali u plejers sħabi f'ħin reali.
Minbarra l-offerti estensivi tagħha tal-każinò, Lucky Block also hosts a comprehensive sports betting platform that covers over 20 sportivi, inkluż l-esports. The platform offers competitive odds and a wide range of betting markets, tiżgura esperjenza eċċitanti tal-imħatri għad-dilettanti tal-isports.
Setting itself apart in the crypto gambling industry, Lucky Block joffri prodotti uniċi bħal lotterija diġitali u suq NFT. These additions enhance the overall gaming experience and provide additional avenues for players to engage and interact.
B'bonus ta' merħba ġeneruż li joffri a 200% taqbila fuq l-ewwel depożiti sa €10,000, flimkien ma 'termini ta' bonus ġusti u imħatri minimi baxxi li jibdew minn biss $1, Lucky Block għandu l-għan li jippremja plejers ġodda u joħloq ambjent tal-logħob inklussiv u pjaċevoli għal kulħadd.
Bonus ta' merħba
200% Bonus ta' Merħba sa EUR 25K
Lingwi appoġġjati
Ingliż, Franċiż, Taljan, Ġermaniż, Vjetnamiż, Ċiniż, Ġappuniż, Portugiż, Spanjol, Korean, Tork, Norveġiż, Ungeriż, Ċek, Rumen, Russu, Pollakk, Finlandiż
Kripto-muniti aċċettati
Liċenzja tal-eGaming ta' Curacao
L-operazzjoni tas-sena bdiet


0xBet, an online casino holding a valid gaming license from Curacao, distinguishes itself with its wide range of offerings, catering to both casino enthusiasts and sports bettors. The casino section boasts an extensive collection of games, inklużi slots, logħob tal-mejda, u għażliet ta 'negozjant ħajjin. Players can enhance their gaming experience by participating in daily challenges, tournaments ta' slots, u tlielaq. As players progress through different tiers, the VIP Club rewards them with exclusive perks.
One notable feature of 0xBet is its acceptance of various cryptocurrencies beyond Bitcoin. Litecoin, Ethereum, Tron, Ripple, Dogecoin, Bitcoin Cash, and Tether are all accepted, aligning with the platform’s commitment to meeting the diverse needs of its user base. Barra minn hekk, the sportsbook covers a wide array of sports, including traditional options like basketball and soccer, as well as eSports, politics, and entertainment events, appealing to a broad audience.
0xBet offers a diverse selection of casino games, with a particular emphasis on slots. The platform provides a user-friendly interface for exploring and playing slot games, including a demo mode for trying out new games. The live dealer games section offers unique variations of table games, with Evolution Gaming as the primary software platform. The Instant Games section includes titles from various brands, promising instant wins and entertainment.
Ensuring a seamless gaming experience on smartphones, 0xBet adapts effortlessly to mobile platforms. The casino’s cross-platform compatibility plays a crucial role in its success. The mobile version of the website features hidden menus and a panel-style display, making navigation easy for users on the go.
In terms of products, 0xBet caters to different tastes and preferences with virtual games, live casino options, mobile gaming, and instant games. The virtual games collection includes the latest Buy Bonus games and video slots, with the option to filter games by preferred gaming providers. The live casino offers games hosted by real-life dealers, providing an immersive experience.
Security is a top priority for 0xBet, with various measures in place to ensure a fair and responsible gambling environment. Players have the option to choose complete self-exclusion or a time-out period, offering a safety net for those in need of a break. Features such as reality check reminders, online transaction history, self-assessment tests, and financial limits empower players to maintain control over their gambling activities. Barra minn hekk, the casino holds licenses in Curacao, ensuring compliance with strict standards and protecting user data through encrypted banking options. The commitment to responsible gambling is evident in 0xBet’s 5-star safety rating.
- Wide Game Selection
- Acceptance of Cryptocurrencies
- Exclusive VIP Club
- Mobile Adaptability
- Comprehensive Security Measures
Bonus ta' merħba
Cashback ta' kull ġimgħa upto 20%
Lingwi appoġġjati
Ingliż, Spanjol, Franċiż, Norveġiż, Russu, Korean, Portugiż, Ebrajk, Taljan, Ġappuniż, Ungeriż, Ċek, Aussie
Kripto-muniti aċċettati
Liċenzja tal-Logħob ta' Curaçao
L-operazzjoni tas-sena bdiet


sportbet.one has rapidly established itself as a significant player in the ever-changing world of online gambling. Il-pjattaforma deċentralizzata hija meqjusa ħafna għall-interface faċli għall-utent u l-prestazzjoni impressjonanti tagħha, making it a top choice for both novice and experienced bettors seeking an immersive and efficient betting experience. The platform’s worldwide appeal is evident through its easy registration process, anonimità sħiħa, and fast payout system, enabling players from all corners of the globe to seamlessly participate in the thrill of online betting.
sportbet.one serves as a versatile platform, functioning as both a sports betting site and a casino. Its informative onsite blog adds value by providing insightful content on crypto betting, skedi tal-partiti, promozzjonijiet kontinwi, u aġġornamenti fl-industrija tal-imħatri. The platform’s dedication to user engagement is further demonstrated by its generous welcome package, offering a substantial 125% boost to funds for an instant increase of up to $1000. B'depożitu minimu modest ta' $20 fil-munita kripto u rekwiżit raġonevoli ta’ mħatri 35x, sportbet.one ensures accessibility for players of various skill levels.
Il-proċessi ta' depożitu u rtirar fuq sportbet.one huma ssimplifikati, jipprovdu konvenjenza mingħajr paragun għall-utenti. Those with existing cryptocurrency wallets can dive into the action immediately upon signing up, mingħajr ħin ta' stennija għal depożiti jew irtirar. Is-softwer tal-pjattaforma u l-għażla tal-logħob huma ugwalment impressjonanti, encompassing a wide range of sports, from esports to traditional games like football and basketball. Minbarra l-imħatri sportivi, sportbet.one offers a diverse casino section with over a hundred options, tikkollabora ma’ fornituri ta’ fama bħal BGaming, Blueprint, Evoluzzjoni, u oħrajn.
What sets sportbet.one apart is its commitment to user privacy and fair play. Il-proċess ta' reġistrazzjoni sempliċi jeħtieġ biss email u password sigura, and users also have the option to sign up through Facebook, Google, Twitter, or their cryptocurrency wallet. Importantly, sportbet.one operates without a Know Your Customer (KYC) proċedura, li jiġi żgurat proċess ta’ reġistrazzjoni rapidu u anonimu. The platform employs blockchain-based algorithms to uphold the principles of provably fair gambling, jibgħat riżultati hashed lill-plejers qabel jibdew il-logħob. Dan l-approċċ trasparenti jippermetti lill-imħatri jivverifikaw ir-riżultati mingħajr ma jikkomprometti l-anonimità tagħhom, jenfasizza d-dedikazzjoni ta’ sportbet.one għas-sigurtà u l-integrità fil-logħob online.
- Anonimat
- 125% Bonus ta' Merħba
- Aċċessibilità Globali
- Ħlasijiet Instant
- Logħob tal-Ażżard Ġust
Bonus ta' merħba
125% sa $1000 (10x qlib fuq l-isports)
Lingwi appoġġjati
Ingliż, Ċiniż, Korean, Tork, Russu
Kripto-muniti aċċettati
Irreġistrat fil-Gżira Awtonoma ta 'Mwali, Unjoni tal-Komoros
L-operazzjoni tas-sena bdiet

Kripto Leo

Experience the unparalleled offerings at CryptoLeo Casino, a leading platform exclusively dedicated to cryptocurrencies that demands your attention. Immerse yourself in top-quality entertainment with a captivating welcome bonus of 150% sa 3,000 USDT u kollezzjoni estensiva tal-logħob li tinkludi fuq 6,000 titles from esteemed providers such as Pragmatic Play, Spinomenali, Endorphina, u iktar.
CryptoLeo’s dynamic loyalty program unlocks exclusive rewards and Cashback percentages, encouraging players to maximize their benefits with each gameplay. Whether you choose to explore the casino or sportsbook section, the platform ensures a tailored betting experience that caters to your preferences. L-interface faċli għall-utent, complemented by a visually striking design, prioritizes easy navigation and showcases the vibrant explosion of colors from its diverse game offerings.
Player safety is of utmost importance at CryptoLeo, as it is secured by Curaçao eGaming. Rest assured that your personal information is protected, and the fairness of the games is validated through provably fair and RNG testing. Enjoy swift payment processes and seamless transactions with TLS 1.2 security protocols. Should you have any inquiries, resolving them is a breeze through the comprehensive FAQ section, chat live multilingwi, jew appoġġ bl-email. Embark on a hassle-free and secure gaming journey at CryptoLeo Casino, where you can take advantage of the following features:
- Bonus ta' Merħba
- 24/7 appoġġ għall-klijent
- Real-time response
- Extensive game library
- Provabbilment logħob ġust
- Player protection
- Fast transactions
- Loyalty program
Bonus ta' merħba
25% cashback u rota BTC
Lingwi appoġġjati
Ingliż, Franċiż, Ċek, Ġermaniż, Pollakk, Grieg, Tork, Spanjol, Portugiż, Brażiljan, Norveġiż.
Kripto-muniti aċċettati
Curacao eGaming
L-operazzjoni tas-sena bdiet

Mega Dadi

Imbarka għal avventura straordinarja tal-logħob tal-azzard onlajn b'Mega Dice, pjattaforma innovattiva li tgħaqqad bla xkiel l-eċċitament tal-logħob tal-każinò u l-imħatri sportivi. Operating with the prestigious Curacao license, Mega Dice hija sensazzjoni madwar id-dinja disponibbli f'diversi pajjiżi, jew direttament jew permezz tal-konvenjenza ta 'VPN. Standing out in the trend of crypto casinos, Mega Dice taċċetta esklussivament pagamenti tal-kripto-munita, jipprovdu lill-plejers b'portal sigur u effiċjenti għal esperjenzi ta' logħob eċċitanti.
Mega Dice warmly welcomes new players with an enticing bonus package that sets the stage for a rewarding journey. The generosity continues with ongoing promotions and a loyalty program, ensuring that registered players consistently enjoy perks and incentives. Mega Dice’s commitment to freshness and excitement is evident through its continual updates to bonuses for both casino games and sports betting, tagħmel kull mument fuq il-pjattaforma rebħa potenzjali.
Hekk kif l-industrija tal-logħob tal-azzard onlajn tesperjenza tkabbir sinifikanti, Mega Dice joħroġ bħala fuq quddiem, jaqbdu l-attenzjoni globali bħala l-ewwel każinò kripto liċenzjat fid-dinja aċċessibbli permezz tal-app Telegram. Lieva tal-kapaċitajiet innovattivi tal-bot ta’ Telegram, Mega Dice jintroduċi livell ġdid ta 'konvenjenza u faċli għall-utent għal-logħob tal-każinò kripto. Minkejja li tiftaħar librerija tal-logħob ikkontribwixxa minn fuq 50 żviluppaturi, Mega Dice maintains a top-notch gaming experience and promises an expanding game list in the coming weeks.
Ir-repertorju tal-logħob ta 'Mega Dice huwa tassew impressjonanti. Għaddas ruħek f'dinja ta 'slot games vibranti, li jinkludu titoli minn żviluppaturi rinomati bħal NoLimit City, Hacksaw Gaming, Imbotta Logħob, Play Prammatiku, u iktar. L-inklużjoni ta' mod ta' logħob liberu tippermetti lill-plejers jesploraw dawn is-slots attraenti mingħajr riskju qabel ma jidħlu f'imħatri ta' flus reali. Mill-kriminalità-thriller-tema “Qiegħ tal-blat” lill-ispirati punk “Toilet Punk,” Mega Dice toffri għażla diversa u divertenti.
Esperjenza tal-eċċitament tal-logħob tan-negozjanti ħajjin fit-tieni kategorija ta 'Mega Dice, which includes classics like Roulette, Blackjack, Baccarat, u Poker. Interazzjoni ma' negozjanti professjonali f'atmosfera awtentika tal-logħob. Għal dawk li qed ifittxu twist uniku, tesplora d-dinja tal-wirjiet tal-logħob li fihom titli bħal Crazy Time u Deal jew No Deal. L-innovazzjoni ta 'Mega Dice tiddi permezz tagħha “logħba kripto” sezzjoni, jippreżentaw logħob imwieled mill-era blockchain, inkluż Hi Lo, Avjatur, Plinko, u iktar. Il-grafika tista' tiġi ssimplifikata, iżda l-gost u l-ħlasijiet impressjonanti jibqgħu sors kostanti ta 'delight.
Fil-qosor, Mega Dice tistabbilixxi ruħha bħala trendsetter fix-xenarju li qed jevolvi tal-logħob tal-azzard onlajn, li tgħaqqad teknoloġija avvanzata ma' firxa diversa ta' logħob biex toffri lill-plejers esperjenza ta' logħob mingħajr paragun. Ingħaqad ma 'Mega Dice illum u xhieda tal-futur tad-divertiment tal-każinò kripto u l-isportsbook.
• Aċċessibilità Globali
• Logħob Provably Ġust
• Ħlasijiet Esklussivi ta 'Cryptocurrency
• Pakkett Bonus Ġeneruż
• Ilgħab permezz tat-Telegram Bot
Bonus ta' merħba
200% bonus ta' merħba sa 1BTC + 50 Spins Ħieles
Lingwi appoġġjati
Ingliż, Ġermaniż, Spanjol, Franċiż, Ungeriż, Finlandiż, Norveġiż, Ċek, Taljan, Pollakk, Portugiż, Rumen, Russu, Ġappuniż, Tork, Mandarin, Indoneżjan, Għarbi, Korean, Vjetnamiż, Tajlandiż
Kripto-muniti aċċettati
Liċenzja tal-Logħob ta' Curaçao
L-operazzjoni tas-sena bdiet


Gamdom has established itself as a prominent online gaming platform that has captivated over 16 miljun utenti mit-twaqqif tagħha fi 2016. With a wide range of gaming options, inklużi slots tradizzjonali, imħatri esports, u logħob intern esklussiv bħal Slot Battles, Gamdom caters to a diverse range of gaming preferences. The platform prioritizes fairness and transparency by offering provably fair games, instilling trust and security in the gaming experience for players.
Is-sodisfazzjon tal-klijent huwa ta' importanza kbira f'Gadom, kif evidenzjat mill-appoġġ dirett tagħhom round-the-clock u l-moderazzjoni taċ-chat disponibbli f'diversi lingwi. Their commitment to providing a safe and enjoyable environment is further demonstrated through their stringent responsible gaming measures, li jinkludu awto-esklużjoni u għażliet ta’ għeluq permanenti tal-kont.
Gamdom jippremja b'mod ġeneruż lill-plejers tiegħu b'vantaġġi bħal sa 60% rakeback, bonusijiet ħielsa spins, u chat b'xejn xita. Il- “Re tal-Għolja” leaderboard joffri premjijiet sostanzjali, bi prize pool li jista’ jilħaq sa $1,000,000, iżżid l-eċċitament u l-kompetittività tal-pjattaforma.
Biex tiġi żgurata s-sigurtà tal-kontijiet tal-plejers, Gamdom joffri Awtentikazzjoni b'żewġ Fatturi fakultattiva (2FA), jipprovdu saff addizzjonali ta 'protezzjoni. Barra minn hekk, Gamdom’s unique Community Connected feature fosters a sense of community among players, li jippermetti lill-ħallieqa u lill-affiljati jospitaw raffles b'xejn ta' spin u għotjiet ta' tip ta' flus kontanti direttament mis-server Discord tagħhom.
B'firxa wiesgħa ta 'għażliet ta' depożitu, inklużi kripto-muniti popolari u aktar 100 għażliet ta' depożitu bankarju, Gamdom makes it convenient for players to get started. L-irtirar tal-kripto huwa immedjat, li jiġi żgurat aċċess rapidu għar-rebħ u esperjenza tal-logħob bla xkiel.
Plejers ġodda huma milqugħa b'ġeneruż 15% Rakeback għall-ewwel sebat ijiem, jistabbilixxi l-istadju għal vjaġġ ta’ sodisfazzjon sa mill-bidu. Barra minn hekk, Gamdom issolidifika r-reputazzjoni tiegħu fl-industrija tal-logħob permezz ta' sħubijiet notevoli ma' figuri influwenti bħal Usain Bolt u sponsorizzazzjoni ta' timijiet professjonali ta' esports, turi l-impenn tagħha għall-eċċellenza u l-innovazzjoni.
Fil-konklużjoni, Gamdom offers an unparalleled gaming community where excitement, sigurtà, u premjijiet unbeatable jingħaqdu flimkien. Ingħaqad ma' Gamdom illum u imbarka għal avventura ta' logħob eċċitanti bħal ħaddieħor.
• Varjetà bla xkiel
• Trasparenza u Ekwità
• Premjijiet Eċċezzjonali
• Impenn tal-Komunità
• Appoġġ Aċċessibbli
• Impenn għal Logħob Responsabbli
Bonus ta' merħba
Upto 60% Rakeback
Lingwi appoġġjati
Ingliż, Grieg, Ċek, Ġorġjan, Bulgaru, Spanjol, Finlandiż, Filippin, Franċiż, Indoneżjan, Ġappuniż, Korean, Norveġiż, Pollakk, Portugiż, Russu, Serb, Tajlandiż, Ċiniżi, Tork, Vjetnamiż
Kripto-muniti aċċettati
Liċenzja tal-Logħob ta' Curaçao
L-operazzjoni tas-sena bdiet


Huge Win Casino is a crypto-only gaming platform that embraces the growing trend in online gambling. By focusing exclusively on cryptocurrencies, the casino offers fast transaction processing and enhanced user privacy as an alternative to traditional fiat casinos.
Tiddistingwi ruħha min-norma, Huge Win Casino goes beyond conventional offerings by including a dedicated virtual bookmaking section alongside its wide range of games. This addition caters to enthusiasts seeking a comprehensive gaming experience that includes virtual sports.
What distinguishes Huge Win is its enticing selection of promotions and discounts, iddisinjat strateġikament biex iżomm lill-utenti involuti. Promozzjoni waħda notevoli hija t-Tournament ta' Turnover ta' kull Xahar, which boasts a substantial $100,000 prize pool. Barra minn hekk, utenti jistgħu jgawdu bonusijiet varji, premjijiet ta’ riferiment, u bonuses tal-każinò ta’ kuljum biex itejbu s-sessjonijiet tal-logħob tagħhom.
Imniedi f'Jannar 2024, Huge Win Casino għandu l-għan li jsir każinò Bitcoin globali ewlieni. The platform reinforces its credibility by holding a Curaçao eGaming license, highlighting its commitment to transparency and security. Bil-librerija tal-logħob estensiva li tinkludi fuq 7,000 logħob ta' slots u varjetà ta' għażliet ta' logħob tal-azzard tradizzjonali u virtwali, Huge Win Casino tfittex li captivate udjenza diversa.
The visually appealing website of Huge Win Casino features a sophisticated black background with gold accents, it-titjib tal-esperjenza diġitali ġenerali. Navigazzjoni bla xkiel bejn is-sezzjonijiet tal-każinò u tal-kotba sportivi tikkontribwixxi għal aċċessibbiltà faċli għall-utent.
With a cryptocurrency-centric approach, Huge Win Casino handles deposits and withdrawals using major digital currencies such as Bitcoin, Tron, Binance Coin, u Dogecoin. Dan jiżgura ipproċessar effiċjenti tat-tranżazzjonijiet u jallinja mal-preferenzi tad-dilettanti tal-kripto-munita.
Through collaborations with 72 fornituri tas-softwer, inklużi ġganti tal-industrija bħal NetEnt, Mikrogaming, u Evolution Gaming, Huge Win Casino joffri varjetà rikka ta 'logħob. Minn slots u logħob tal-mejda għal esperjenzi ta' każinò ħajjin u titoli uniċi ta' logħob tal-ħabta, il-pjattaforma taħseb għal paletta diversa tal-logħob.
Filwaqt li l-feedback tal-utent huwa limitat minħabba t-tnedija reċenti tal-pjattaforma, tweġibiet pożittivi jenfasizzaw is-saħħiet ta 'Huge Win Casino. It-tim ta' appoġġ, aċċessibbli permezz ta' email jew live chat, jirċievi tifħir għat-tweġibiet fil-pront u ta’ għajnuna tagħhom. Miżuri ta' sigurtà, bħal algoritmi SSL u verifika KYC, turi l-impenn tal-pjattaforma għall-protezzjoni tal-utent.
Fil-qosor, Huge Win Casino jippreżenta żieda promettenti għad-dinja tal-logħob tal-azzard kripto. Bil-portafoll tal-logħob divers tiegħu, karatteristiċi ta 'sigurtà robusti, u promozzjonijiet li jħajjar, il-pjattaforma hija lesta biex tattira u żżomm udjenza wiesgħa ta 'dilettanti tal-logħob.
• Esklussività tal-kripto-munita
• Promozzjonijiet u Skontijiet Ġenerużi
• Għażla estensiva tal-Logħob
• Websajt Appellanti Viżwalment
• Miżuri ta' Sigurtà
Bonus ta' merħba
100% Bonus ta' Merħba, Jackpots Progressivi u Cashback
Lingwi appoġġjati
Ingliż, Portugiż, Mandarin, Għarbi, Farsi, Ebrajk, Tork, Kurdi, Ażerbajġani
Kripto-muniti aċċettati
Bitcoin, Ethereum, Irbit, Litecoin, Binance Coin, Tron, Ripple, Dogecoin
Liċenzja tal-eGaming ta' Curacao
L-operazzjoni tas-sena bdiet


MyStake, a well-known presence in the online gambling industry, presents a wide range of gaming options that make it an attractive choice for enthusiasts. B'aktar minn 7,000 logħob disponibbli, including a diverse selection of slots, logħob tal-mejda, u għażliet ta 'negozjant ħajjin, players have an extensive variety to explore. Barra minn hekk, the platform offers more than 40 metodi ta' ħlas, encompassing various fiat currencies and cryptocurrencies, ensuring convenient and flexible deposit options. Barra minn hekk, MyStake caters to sports betting enthusiasts with over 70 different sports to bet on, accompanied by a comprehensive portfolio of bonuses and promotions, it-titjib tal-esperjenza ġenerali tal-logħob.
While MyStake boasts an impressive array of offerings, it does have its drawbacks. One notable limitation is the use of bots before human interaction in the live chat support system. Barra minn hekk, the lack of transparent information regarding the VIP system and relatively low withdrawal limits may discourage some users.
Stabbilit fi 2019, MyStake is owned by Santeda International B.V. and operates under a Curaçao license. With support for multiple currencies and languages, MyStake aims to cater to a diverse global audience, prioritizing accessibility and inclusivity.
When evaluating MyStake’s reputation, it becomes evident that the platform enjoys a commendable standing within the online gambling community. Benefiting from the experience and global presence of Sainted International B.V., a reputable operator in the industry, MyStake maintains a generally positive reputation. While occasional user complaints exist, primarily related to deposit issues and withdrawal delays, the overall positive reputation of MyStake underscores its credibility and reliability.
In terms of safety measures, MyStake prioritizes user security by implementing standard encryption protocols, such as SSL encryption, to protect sensitive information and transactions. Despite occasional user complaints, there have been no reported security breaches, indicating the platform’s commitment to providing a secure gaming environment.
MyStake’s gaming portfolio encompasses a wide range of options, including exclusive titles and provably fair games, ensuring diverse and entertaining experiences for players. Barra minn hekk, the platform’s user-friendly interface and seamless mobile optimization enhance the overall gaming experience, further solidifying its appeal among users.
Fil-qasam tal-imħatri sportivi, MyStake offers an extensive selection of sports, covering traditional sports, esports, and virtual sports, jaħseb għal firxa wiesgħa ta' preferenzi. With comprehensive coverage of major sporting events and leagues, coupled with engaging betting features, MyStake positions itself as an appealing destination for sports enthusiasts and bettors alike.
Although MyStake lacks poker options beyond video poker games, it compensates with a wealth of bonuses and promotions, including welcome bonuses and ongoing rewards. Madankollu, the lack of transparency surrounding the VIP program remains a notable concern, necessitating improved clarity and communication from the platform.
Fil-konklużjoni, MyStake emerges as a strong contender in the online gambling industry, offering a diverse range of gaming options, robust security measures, and enticing bonuses. Despite certain limitations, its positive reputation and commitment to user satisfaction position it as a promising platform for gaming enthusiasts.
• Għażla estensiva tal-logħob
• Diverse payment methods
• Generous bonuses
• Reputable operator
• Exclusive game offerings
Bonus ta' merħba
170% Crypto Welcome Bonus jew Lealtà ta' Kull Ġimgħa Cash Back
Lingwi appoġġjati
Ingliż, Spanjol, Deutsch, Taljan, Franċiż, Għarbi, Brażiljan, Argentinian, Finlandiż, Svediż, Portugiż, Russu, Ċek
Kripto-muniti aċċettati
Liċenzja tal-Logħob ta' Curaçao
L-operazzjoni tas-sena bdiet

Reviżjoni ta' Cloudbet

Cloudbet is a sportsbook of great repute, delivering high-quality sports betting services to bettors worldwide. It embraces a wide range of cryptocurrencies, including BTC, ETH, MATIC, XRP, USDT, BCH, and LTC, making it an ideal choice for individuals interested in utilizing digital assets for online sports betting. Cloudbet provides a single welcome bonus for both casino and sports betting enthusiasts. Casino players, in particular, highly appreciate the availability of over 100 live dealer games and several thousand video slots, some of which offer progressive jackpots.
Upon accessing the Bitcoin sportsbook, users are presented with a list of current in-play bets on the left side and a section featuring popular bets for later on the right side. Standard betting options such as money line, totali, tixrid, and handicaps are available for most sports. Cloudbet offers extensive coverage of popular sports like European football, American football, tennis, basketball, cricket, as well as lesser-known sports like badminton, darts, u floorball. They even provide coverage for greyhound racing events at Albion Park, Angle Park, and Dapto!
• Provides more than 20 sports for betting
• Robust in-play betting section for basketball
• Generous welcome bonus of up to 5 BTC for high rollers
• Zero-margin sports bets
Bonus ta' merħba
100% welcome bonus sa 5 BTC, 150 Offerta FS għal plejers ġodda (depożitu minimu biex jinfetaħ – 50 EUR ekwivalenti, validità – 24h, rekwiżiti ta' qlib – 25x)
Lingwi appoġġjati
Ingliż, Spanjol, Deutsch, Taljan, Franċiż, Indoneżjan, Pollakk, Portugiż, Russu, Ġappuniż
Kripto-muniti aċċettati
Liċenzja tal-Logħob ta' Curaçao
L-operazzjoni tas-sena bdiet
Bżonn Reviżjoni tas-Sit?
Nixtiequ nirrevedu s-sit tiegħek u npoġġuh hawn.
Most Popular Sports to Bet with Cryptocurrencies
Types of Bitcoin Sportsbook Bonuses
Bet Crypto on Sports Responsibly
FAQ: Sports Betting with Bitcoin
Konklużjoni: The Best Bitcoin Sports Betting Websites Ranked by Crypto2.co
Negozju & Mistoqsijiet ta' Sħubija
How to Choose Where to Bet on Sports with Bitcoin
When seeking to wager on sports using Bitcoin, it’s crucial to assess the security, reputation, ease of use, bonuses and promotions, appoġġ għall-klijent, and payment options of bookmakers that are compatible with cryptocurrencies. Being aware of these factors will enable you to make an informed decision.
Range of sports betting markets
When evaluating Bitcoin betting websites, it’s essential to examine the variety of betting markets they provide. A wide selection of markets enables bettors to delve into options that match their interests, expertise, and betting tactics. An outstanding Bitcoin betting platform should encompass a spectrum of sports, events, and potential outcomes. This can include popular sports like soccer, basketball, tennis, and horse racing, alongside specialized markets such as eSports, politics, and entertainment. A platform that accommodates a broad spectrum of betting markets offers greater flexibility.
Odds kompetittivi
Having access to competitive odds means your sportsbook offers appealing prices for your predictions. These odds dictate your potential earnings from a successful bet. Higher odds equate to a larger potential profit, which can significantly impact your results over time. A Bitcoin sports betting platform that routinely provides competitive odds across different markets can offer bettors better value and enhance their prospects for long-term success.
Bonuses u promozzjonijiet
The BTC betting bonusijiet and promotions available while wagering on sports enhance your chances of winning by supplying extra funds for betting. A Bitcoin sportsbook that offers generous bonuses and promotions can attract new customers and keep existing ones. These incentives may include welcome bonuses, reload bonuses, imħatri b'xejn, flus lura, u premjijiet oħra. Utilizing these offers allows bettors to increase their funds and improve their betting experience.
Kripto-muniti aċċettati
The variety of cryptocurrencies accepted for sports betting is crucial, as it determines the payment options available to users. A platform that supports a wide range of cryptocurrencies provides users with greater flexibility and convenience. Different cryptocurrencies can have different transaction speeds and fees, affecting the speed and cost of deposits and withdrawals. Choosing a platform that supports their preferred cryptocurrencies allows users to reduce transaction fees and processing times, ensuring a more seamless experience.
Depożiti u rtirar veloċi u faċli
Quick and straightforward deposits and withdrawals are key features of the top Bitcoin betting sites. This allows users to securely and rapidly transfer funds to and from their betting accounts. A platform that streamlines transactions can reduce user frustration and foster trust. It’s understandable that players prioritize speedy transactions and ease of use. Slow or complex payment processes can irritate users and discourage them from using the platform. Barra minn hekk, users value having complete control over their financial transactions.
Sigurtà u liċenzjar
Security and licensing are essential when engaging in Bitcoin betting, as they guarantee the platform’s safety and fairness. A reliable online sportsbook should implement strong security measures to protect user data and funds. Barra minn hekk, it should hold a license from a reputable regulatory body to ensure compliance with industry standards and regulations. Choosing a secure and licensed platform provides users with increased peace of mind and confidence in their betting endeavors.
Crypto-savvy bettors prioritize their privacy and data protection, mindful of the risks associated with unencrypted information. These platforms ensure that user data and betting activities remain confidential, which is crucial for users aiming to avoid potential fraud or identity theft.
Customer support is vital in Bitcoin betting, offering prompt and efficient solutions to any problems or concerns users might face. Top sportsbooks that accept Bitcoin generally provide dependable and responsive customer support, providing players with quick solutions to their issues and offering immediate assistance as needed. This can encompass support through live chat, email, or phone, as well as a thorough FAQ section and other self-help resources.
Esperjenza tal-utent
The user experience is a crucial factor in Bitcoin sports betting, influencing the enjoyment derived from interacting with the chosen online platform. Since these platforms are user-centric, their interfaces are generally mobile-friendly. An intuitive, fast-loading interface that is easy to navigate significantly enhances the user experience. Barra minn hekk, modern sports betting apps can help users locate their preferred markets and options more efficiently, leading to a more satisfying interaction.
Reputation serves as an indicator of potential issues with a bookmaker. If they consistently provide an outstanding sports betting service, their reputation will be outstanding. Essenzjalment, reputation reflects the trustworthiness and reliability of the operator behind the betting platform. An operator with a positive reputation fosters greater confidence and peace of mind among users. This can be determined by examining expert reviews, user feedback, and authoritative commentary from reputable gambling authorities.
Most Popular Sports to Bet with Cryptocurrencies
While various Bitcoin logħob tal-azzard sites exist, it’s widely recognized which sports markets garner more interest. Commonly, the most popular sports markets for Bitcoin betting encompass European football, American football, eSports, basketball, tennis, baseball, and similar sports. These markets frequently feature extensive betting options, including moneyline bets, spread bets, totali, props, and futures. Barra minn hekk, major events like the Super Bowl, the World Cup, and the Olympics draw substantial Bitcoin betting activity. Madankollu, some Bitcoin betting platforms also provide markets for more specialized sports, such as rugby, cricket, and darts, as well as virtual sports, to accommodate a wider audience.
Bitcoin betting on football is a highly favored sport market, boasting a vast array of choices. This includes significant international competitions such as the World Cup and the European Championships, alongside local leagues including the Premier League, La Liga, and the Bundesliga. The diversity of leagues and tournaments available for Bitcoin football betting makes it an exciting option for both live and outright bets.
Esports is experiencing rapid growth among the leading Bitcoin betting platforms, with numerous specialized sites providing a variety of choices for well-known games such as League of Legends, CS:GO, and Dota 2. These platforms typically feature live streaming and in-play betting features, enabling users to place bets on games in progress. When searching for the best esports betting sites, it’s also crucial to check for available promotions related to esports.
Cricket is widely enjoyed globally, and Bitcoin betting on the sport adds a layer of excitement to wagering. The leading Bitcoin sportsbooks for cricket provide a broad selection of betting options for both international and domestic competitions. These options often encompass moneyline bets, totali, and props, along with in-play betting for significant games.
The UFC (Ultimate Fighting Championship) is a favored Bitcoin sports betting market, offering a thrilling array of betting options on significant events such as UFC Fight Night and UFC 263. The odds you receive can vary based on the complexity of the prediction. Since live streaming is central to betting on fight sports, you can anticipate favorable odds and the chance to view the fights on the same platform.
Types of Bitcoin Sportsbook Bonuses
With the rise of crypto sports betting, an increasing number of enticing bonuses are being introduced to the market. Bitcoin sports betting platforms are introducing a variety of extras and incentives to attract new users and retain existing ones. In the following paragraphs, we’ll briefly cover each special offer to give you a clearer understanding of what to anticipate and the potential advantages each might offer to you.
Bonus ta' depożitu imqabbel
A matched deposit bonus is a special offer where the betting site matches a certain percentage of the user’s deposit. Per eżempju, if a site provides a 100% bonus depożitu mqabbla sa 1 BTC, and a user deposits 0.5 BTC, the site will credit an additional 0.5 BTC to the user’s account for betting purposes. This bonus amount typically comes with specific wagering conditions and other terms that must be met before it can be withdrawn.
imħatri b'xejn
Free bets are a popular bonus offered by Bitcoin sportsbooks. Upon claiming a free bet, the user receives a specified amount of cryptocurrency that can be used to place a wager on odds above a certain minimum. This bet is risk-free, as the user does not need to use their own funds. If the bet is successful, the user gets the winnings but not the stake. If the bet loses, the user incurs no loss. Madankollu, it’s not uncommon for free bets to be provided as compensation for a previous losing bet.
Mħatri mingħajr depożitu
A no deposit bet bonus is an offer where the user receives a small amount of cryptocurrency without needing to make a deposit. This bonus can be used to place bets and potentially win real money, all without the risk of losing personal funds. These bonuses are typically smaller in value compared to matched deposit bonuses or free bets and are subject to specific terms and conditions.
Bonus ta' roħs
Some Bitcoin betting platforms operate a loyalty program that rewards bettors for their losses, albeit to a certain extent. Users receive a portion of their net losses as a rebate bonus. It’s important to note that this compensation can come in two forms: as cash ready for withdrawal or as betting credits. Pereżempju, if a user loses 1 BTC on bets within a certain timeframe and the site offers a 10% rebate bonus, the user would receive 0.1 BTC as a bonus. This feature is particularly effective in mitigating the impact of losses.
Reload bonus
A reload bonus is a bonus provided to users for making subsequent deposits after their initial one. The amount of this bonus can vary significantly, potentially being less than the bonus for new users or even more, depending on the specific bonus policy of the Bitcoin sports betting site. As with other bonuses, there are minimum deposit and wagering requirements that must be met. This type of bonus serves as an effective incentive for users to continue using the platform.
Bet Crypto on Sports Responsibly
While Bitcoin sportsbooks provide an exciting gaming experience, it’s crucial to bet responsibly. Responsible gambling is key to maintaining your mental and financial health, and you should only engage in betting with trusted brands. These brands should offer support for players dealing with problem gambling, including easy ways to unsubscribe from online betting and quick access to organizations that offer counseling and information. Here are some signs that it might be time to reconsider your betting habits:
- You’re unable to stick to a budget.
- You’re chasing your losses.
- You don’t feel the need to take breaks.
- You’re betting under the influence of alcohol.
- Others around you are worried about your well-being.
FAQ: Sports Betting with Bitcoin
Huwa sikur li tagħmel imħatri sportivi bil-kripto?
Engaging in sports betting with cryptocurrency is generally secure, but it’s crucial to choose a reputable and secure website. Conduct thorough research to assess the site’s reputation and verify that it’s licensed and regulated by a reputable authority. Also, pay attention to security measures such as two-factor authentication and SSL encryption to safeguard your personal and financial data. By adopting these safeguards, you can enhance your experience at one of the most secure Bitcoin betting sites.
How can I place BTC sports bets?
Before engaging in Bitcoin sports betting, it’s essential to find a reputable online platform that accepts cryptocurrency bets on sports. After setting up a Bitcoin wallet and acquiring some BTC, you can deposit the desired sum into your account and begin placing bets. The next step involves finding the sports markets, selecting the sport and event you wish to bet on, and then assessing the odds for the betting lines available. If the odds seem favorable, you can decide on the amount to stake.
Ħlief għal BTC, x'inhuma l-muniti l-oħra użati ħafna għall-imħatri sportivi?
Besides Bitcoin, Ethereum (ETH), Litecoin (LTC), u Bitcoin Cash (BCH) are other cryptocurrencies commonly used for sports betting. These alternatives provide quick and secure transactions with reduced fees compared to traditional payment methods. Ethereum stands out for its smart contract technology, facilitating the development of decentralized applications and betting platforms. Litecoin and Bitcoin Cash also offer quicker transaction speeds and lower fees, making them attractive options for sports gambling.
Where can you buy crypto for online betting?
If you’re looking to acquire cryptocurrency for online betting, you have several crypto exchanges at your disposal to purchase digital assets. These platforms enable you to buy cryptocurrencies using conventional payment methods such as credit cards or bank transfers. After purchasing your chosen cryptocurrency, you can transfer it to the wallet of any sportsbook that accepts Bitcoin, allowing you to start placing bets. It’s important to verify which cryptocurrencies are accepted by betting sites before transferring any funds.
What is the best Bitcoin wallet for online betting?
Among the various Bitcoin wallets suitable for online betting, the Bitcoin.com wallet stands out as a popular choice. This app is compatible with both iOS and Android devices, providing a user-friendly interface, karatteristiċi ta 'sigurtà robusti, and swift transaction speeds. The Bitcoin.com wallet supports a range of cryptocurrencies, inkluż Bitcoin, Ethereum, Bitcoin Cash, and Litecoin. This versatility allows you to conveniently manage your cryptocurrency assets and execute quick, secure deposits and withdrawals on your preferred sports betting platforms.
How do you deposit crypto on a Bitcoin sportsbook website?
To transfer cryptocurrency to a Bitcoin sportsbook site, you need to sign in to your account and go to the deposit section. Hawn, you’ll usually see a selection of cryptocurrencies. Choose the one you intend to transfer and adhere to the provided steps to finalize the transfer. Tipikament, you’ll receive a distinct deposit address to forward the money to, and the transfer is expected to be validated within a short time frame, ranging from a few minutes to an hour, contingent on the blockchain’s network velocity.
Can I bet on the Super Bowl with crypto?
Certainly! You have the option to wager on the Super Bowl and numerous other significant sporting events using cryptocurrency. A multitude of sports betting platforms that accept Bitcoin and other digital currencies provide a broad spectrum of betting options for the Super Bowl, such as money lines, point spreads, and proposition bets. As the use of cryptocurrency becomes increasingly prevalent, an expanding number of sportsbooks are embracing digital currencies, simplifying the process of placing bets on your preferred sports events with crypto.
What sports can I bet on with Bitcoin?
You have the flexibility to place bets on a variety of sports using Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. The list of popular sports includes horse racing, football, basketball, futbol, baseball, ice hockey, fost oħrajn. Barra minn hekk, certain Bitcoin sportsbooks provide markets for eSports and virtual sports, enabling you to wager on virtual games and contests. With the growing conversation around cryptocurrency in the online betting sector, an increasing number of sportsbooks are adopting digital currencies, offering a wide array of choices for sports betting.
Konklużjoni: The Best Bitcoin Sports Betting Websites Ranked by Crypto2.co
As a premier source of information and tools for cryptocurrency aficionados, Crypto2.co is dedicated to simplifying and enhancing the crypto landscape. In our quest to identify the top Bitcoin betting platforms, we’ve taken into account a multitude of criteria, such as security measures, user interface, incentives, and customer service. Should there be any significant changes, we are committed to updating our rankings to accurately reflect the current state of affairs.
Negozju & Mistoqsijiet ta' Sħubija
Għal mistoqsijiet dwar negozju jew sħubija, jekk jogħġbok ikkuntattjana permezz [email protected]. L-esperti tal-marketing tagħna se jgħinuk kemm jista 'jkun malajr.