Bitcoin संग शीर्ष खेल सट्टेबाजी बोनस []
सट्टेबाजी बोनसको साथ खेल सट्टेबाजीमा संलग्न हुनुले खेलकुद जुवाको उत्साहलाई उल्लेखनीय रूपमा बढाउन सक्छ।. At, we've evaluated the top crypto sportsbooks that offer Bitcoin betting bonuses, which you absolutely shouldn't miss.
We've applied a set of criteria that most bettors consider when comparing platforms, सुरक्षा सहित, पदोन्नतिहरू, र लाइभ क्यासिनो र RNG खेलहरूको विविधता. Discover how we've ranked the top websites offering a Bitcoin sportsbook welcome bonus in the second part of this guide.
शीर्ष 6 Bitcoin र अन्य Cryptos संग अनलाइन खेल शर्त बोनस []

स्टक समीक्षा

दांव, क्रिप्टो जुवाको संसारमा सबैभन्दा प्रसिद्ध ब्रान्ड, क्यासिनो र खेल सट्टेबाजी उत्साहीहरूको सबै आवश्यकताहरू पूरा गर्दछ. क्यासिनो खेलाडीहरू इभोलुसनद्वारा उपलब्ध गराइएका लाइभ क्यासिनो खेलहरू र दैनिक चुनौतीहरू जसले उत्साह थप्दछन्।. को प्लेटफर्मले Litecoin प्रयोग गरेर भुक्तानीहरू सुविधा दिन्छ, बिटकोइन, इथरियम, ट्रोन, Dogecoin, र विभिन्न अन्य altcoins. स्थानान्तरण पूरा हुनको लागि छोटो प्रतीक्षा अवधि पछि, तपाईं आफ्नो जुवा यात्रा सुरु गर्न सक्नुहुन्छ. क्यासिनो खेलहरूको विस्तृत दायराको अतिरिक्त, तपाइँ तपाइँको रुचिहरु संग पङ्क्तिबद्ध खेल बाधाहरु को अन्वेषण गर्न सक्नुहुन्छ. को खेल पुस्तकले बीस भन्दा बढी खेलहरू कभर गर्दछ, eSports सहित.
यी कारकहरू दिए, यो कुनै आश्चर्यको कुरा होइन कि सबैजना Stake मा प्रस्ताव गरिएको Bitcoin बेटिंग बोनस बारे जान्न उत्सुक छन्।. प्रतिक्रिया सूक्ष्म तर सन्तोषजनक छ. Stake को खेल सट्टेबाजी बोनस खेलाडीहरूको विविध दायरा पूरा गर्न डिजाइन गरिएको हो, आकस्मिक bettors देखि उत्साही खेल प्रशंसकहरु सम्म. उल्लेखनीय उदाहरणहरूमा चलिरहेको F1 र टेनिस बीमा प्रवर्धनहरू समावेश छन्. त्यहाँ मार्च पागलपनको लागि एक अद्वितीय प्रस्ताव पनि छ जुन बीमाको रूपमा योग्य छ. यसबाहेक, यदि तपाइँ शर्त गर्न छनौट गर्नुहुन्छ, तपाईंले UFC मा प्रारम्भिक नकआउटमा दोब्बर रकम जित्न सक्नुहुन्छ 286. प्रिमियर लिगका अनुयायीहरूको लागि, एभर्टन र वाटफोर्डको स्टेकको आधिकारिक प्रायोजन लाभदायक हुन सक्छ, सिजनभर यी टोलीहरूसँग जोडिएको पदोन्नतिको साथ.
• वाटफोर्ड एफसी रोड टू प्रमोशन
• एभर्टन क्लिन शीट बोनस
• UFC प्रारम्भिक नकआउट दोहोरो जीत
• हार्डकोर्ट सिजन पहिलो सेट भुक्तानी
• सूत्र 1 उपविजेता बीमा
स्वागत बोनस
विशेष 10% रेकब्याक र 200% सम्म बोनस स्वागत छ $1,000 क्रिप्टो मा.
समर्थित भाषाहरू
Deutsch, ब्रिटिश अंग्रेजी, स्पेनिस, फ्रान्सेली, हिन्दी, इन्डोनेसियाली, जापानी, कोरियाली, पोलिश, पोर्चुगिज, रुसी, टर्की, भियतनामी, चिनियाँ, फिनल्याण्ड
स्वीकृत क्रिप्टोकरन्सीहरू
कोस्टा रिका को कानून अन्तर्गत स्थापित
वर्ष सञ्चालन सुरु भयो

BC.खेल समीक्षा

BC.Game एक क्यासिनो हो, सट्टेबाजी, र लटरी वेबसाइट जुन क्रिप्टो-अनुकूल छ, खेलाडीहरूलाई Google प्रयोग गरेर लग इन गर्न अनुमति दिँदै, टेलिग्राम, वा मेटामास्क खाता. यो कुराकाओ मा इजाजतपत्र र विनियमित छ, यसलाई प्रयोगकर्ताको गोपनीयतालाई प्राथमिकता दिने क्रिप्टो जुवा वेबसाइटहरू मध्ये एक बनाउँदै. प्लेटफर्मलाई क्रिप्टो जुवा फाउन्डेसन र iTechLabs द्वारा यसको निष्पक्षता र सुरक्षाको लागि अनुमोदन गरिएको छ।. BC.Game हाल समर्थन गर्दछ 18 cryptocurrency नेटवर्कहरू, Bitcoin सहित, इथरियम, Dogecoin, लहर, र निक्षेप को लागी Polkadot.
BC.Game को एउटा उल्लेखनीय विशेषता भनेको BTC बेटिंग डिपोजिट म्याच बोनस हो, जो सम्म पुग्न सक्छ $20,000. साथै, साइन अप पछि, प्रयोगकर्ताहरूले प्लेटफर्ममा मेगा स्पिन गेममा संलग्न हुन सक्छन्, जहाँ एक क्षेत्रले 1BTC पुरस्कार प्रदान गर्दछ. यी पदोन्नतिहरू, स्वागत बोनसको साथ, प्रयोगकर्ताहरूलाई प्लेटफर्म अन्वेषण गर्न र नियमित रूपमा बेटहरू राख्नको लागि बलियो प्रोत्साहनको रूपमा सेवा गर्दछ. यसबाहेक, प्रत्येक शर्तले उच्च वफादारी श्रेणी प्राप्त गर्न योगदान गर्दछ, अतिरिक्त लाभहरू अनलक गर्दै. BC.Game ले पुरस्कार सहित लाइभ च्याट पनि प्रदान गर्दछ, एक वीआईपी क्लब, अमेरिकी फुटबल खेलहरूको व्यापक कभरेज, म्याटिक निक्षेपहरू स्वीकार गर्दछ, र क्रिप्टो जुवा फाउन्डेसनले जिम्मेवार जुवाको समर्थकको रूपमा समर्थन गरेको छ.
स्वागत बोनस
300% सम्म जम्मा बोनस $20,000
समर्थित भाषाहरू
अंग्रेजी, चिनियाँ, फिलिपिनो, टर्की, रुसी, कोरियाली, अरबी, फिनल्याण्ड, भियतनामी, फ्रान्सेली, पोर्चुगिज, पोलिश, इन्डोनेसियाली, स्पेनिस, Deutsch, इटालियन, र हिब्रू
स्वीकृत क्रिप्टोकरन्सीहरू
कुराकाओ सरकार
वर्ष सञ्चालन सुरु भयो

भाग्यशाली ब्लक

क्रिप्टो जुवा उत्साहीहरूका लागि शीर्ष विकल्पको रूपमा आफूलाई स्थापित गर्दै, भाग्यशाली ब्लक क्यासिनो, जुन ढिलोमा देखा पर्यो 2022, क्यासिनो खेलहरूको एक विस्तृत श्रृंखला प्रदान गर्दछ, खेल सट्टेबाजी विकल्प, र Bitcoin जस्ता प्रमुख क्रिप्टोकरन्सीहरू प्रयोग गरेर आकर्षक पुरस्कारहरू, इथरियम, र टिथर. ओभरको प्रभावशाली चयनको साथ 2,700 भन्दा बढीबाट खेलहरू 50 प्रमुख सफ्टवेयर प्रदायकहरू, लकी ब्लकले स्लटहरू समावेश गर्ने विविध गेमिङ अनुभव सुनिश्चित गर्दछ, टेबल खेलहरू, प्रत्यक्ष डिलरहरू, र प्रत्येक खेलाडीको मनोरञ्जन प्राथमिकताहरू पूरा गर्न एक विस्तृत खेल पुस्तक.
यसको स्लट चयन भित्र, भाग्यशाली ब्लक सुविधाहरू समाप्त 2,000 शीर्षकहरू, क्लासिक 3-रील स्लटहरू सहित, आधुनिक भिडियो स्लटहरू, र Pragmatic Play र NetEnt जस्ता प्रख्यात विकासकर्ताहरूबाट उच्च अस्थिरता खेलहरू, नार्कोस र गेम अफ थ्रोन्स जस्ता लोकप्रिय थिमयुक्त स्लटहरू प्रस्तुत गर्दै. क्यासिनोले प्रगतिशील ज्याकपोट स्लटहरू पनि प्रदान गर्दछ जस्तै दिव्य भाग्य र मेगा मूल, खेलाडीहरूलाई जीवन परिवर्तन गर्ने रकमहरू जित्ने अवसर प्रदान गर्दै, गेमप्लेको अनुभव बढाउन दैनिक ज्याकपोट ड्रपहरू सहित. साथै, विशेषता खेल संग्रह भिडियो पोकर समेट्छ, बिंगो, स्क्र्याच कार्डहरू, र पासा खेलहरू, रूलेट जस्ता विभिन्न टेबल गेम भेरियन्टहरूद्वारा पूरक, कालो ज्याक, baccarat, र पोकर.
लकी ब्लकको लाइभ डिलर सेक्सनले ब्ल्याकज्याक जस्ता विश्व-स्तरीय खेलहरूसँग इमर्सिभ गेमिङ अनुभव प्रदान गर्दछ।, रूलेट, र डिलरहरू र सँगी खेलाडीहरूसँग वास्तविक-समय अन्तरक्रियालाई अनुमति दिनको लागि अत्याधुनिक स्टुडियोहरूबाट HD गुणस्तरमा ब्याकाराट स्ट्रिम गरियो।. यसको व्यापक क्यासिनो प्रस्तावहरूको अतिरिक्त, लकी ब्लकले एक व्यापक खेल सट्टेबाजी प्लेटफर्म कभर प्रदान गर्दछ 20 खेलकुद, esports सहित, with competitive odds and a wide range of betting markets to ensure a thrilling betting experience for sports enthusiasts.
Setting itself apart in the crypto gambling arena, लकी ब्लकले डिजिटल लटरी र एनएफटी मार्केटप्लेस जस्ता अद्वितीय उत्पादनहरू प्रस्तुत गर्दछ, contributing to an enriched gaming experience and offering additional avenues for player engagement. With a generous welcome bonus, including a 200% €10,000 सम्मको पहिलो जम्मामा मिलाउनुहोस्, fair bonus terms, and low minimum bets starting from just $1, Lucky Block aims to reward new players and foster an inclusive and enjoyable gaming environment for all.
स्वागत बोनस
200% स्वागत बोनस 25K EUR सम्म
समर्थित भाषाहरू
अंग्रेजी, फ्रान्सेली, इटालियन, जर्मन, भियतनामी, चिनियाँ, जापानी, पोर्चुगिज, स्पेनिस, कोरियाली, टर्की, नर्वेजियन, हंगेरी, चेक, रोमानियाली, रुसी, पोलिश, फिनिस
स्वीकृत क्रिप्टोकरन्सीहरू
कुराकाओ eGaming लाइसेन्स
वर्ष सञ्चालन सुरु भयो

मेगा पासा

मेगा पासाको साथ एक असाधारण अनलाइन जुआ यात्रा सुरु गर्नुहोस्, a groundbreaking platform that seamlessly combines the excitement of casino games and sports betting. सम्मानित कुराकाओ इजाजतपत्र अन्तर्गत सञ्चालन, Mega Dice is a worldwide sensation accessible in numerous countries, या त प्रत्यक्ष वा VPN को सुविधा मार्फत. Distinguishing itself in the trend of crypto casinos, मेगा डाइसले विशेष रूपमा क्रिप्टोकरेन्सी भुक्तानीहरू स्वीकार गर्दछ, providing players with a secure and efficient gateway to engage in exhilarating gaming experiences.
मेगा पासा मा, new players receive a warm welcome and an enticing bonus package that sets the stage for a rewarding adventure. The generosity extends further with ongoing promotions and a loyalty program, ensuring that registered players continue to enjoy perks and incentives. Mega Dice’s commitment to maintaining a fresh and thrilling environment is evident in its continual updates to bonuses for both casino games and sports betting, making every moment on the platform potentially rewarding.
As the online gambling industry progresses towards significant growth, Mega Dice emerges as a leader, टेलिग्राम एप मार्फत पहुँचयोग्य संसारको पहिलो इजाजतपत्र प्राप्त क्रिप्टो क्यासिनोको रूपमा विश्वव्यापी ध्यान आकर्षित गर्दै. टेलीग्रामको अभिनव बोट क्षमताहरूको फाइदा उठाउँदै, मेगा डाइसले क्रिप्टो क्यासिनो गेमिङमा सुविधा र प्रयोगकर्ता-मित्रताको नयाँ स्तर प्रस्तुत गर्दछ. घमण्ड गर्दा पनि 50 विकासकर्ताहरूले यसको व्यापक खेल पुस्तकालयमा योगदान गर्दै, मेगा डाइसले गेमिङ अनुभव उच्च स्तरको रहने सुनिश्चित गर्दछ, आउँदो हप्ताहरूमा खेल सूची विस्तार गर्ने प्रतिज्ञाको साथ.
मेगा डाइसको गेमिङ संग्रह साँच्चै प्रभावशाली छ. जीवन्त स्लट खेलहरूको संसारमा आफूलाई डुबाउनुहोस्, NoLimit City जस्ता प्रख्यात विकासकर्ताहरूबाट शीर्षकहरू प्रस्तुत गर्दै, Hacksaw गेमिङ, पुश गेमिङ, व्यावहारिक प्ले, र अधिक. The inclusion of a free-play mode allows players to explore these captivating slots risk-free before venturing into real-money bets. अपराध-थ्रिलर-थीमबाट “रक बटम” पंक-प्रेरित को लागी “पंक शौचालय,” मेगा पासाले विविध र मनोरञ्जनात्मक चयन प्रदान गर्दछ.
Experience the excitement of live dealer games in Mega Dice’s second category, रूलेट जस्ता क्लासिकहरू कभर गर्दै, ब्ल्याक ज्याक, Baccarat, र पोकर. Interact with professional dealers in an authentic gaming atmosphere. एक अद्वितीय ट्विस्ट खोज्नेहरूको लागि, Crazy Time and Deal वा No Deal जस्ता शीर्षकहरू प्रस्तुत गर्ने गेम शोहरूको संसारको अन्वेषण गर्नुहोस्. मेगा डाइसको नवीनता यसको साथ चम्कन्छ “क्रिप्टो खेल” खण्ड, ब्लकचेन युगबाट जन्मिएका खेलहरू प्रस्तुत गर्दै, नमस्ते लो सहित, एविएटर, प्लिन्को, र अधिक. जबकि ग्राफिक्स सरलीकृत हुन सक्छ, रमाइलो र प्रभावशाली भुक्तानहरू आनन्दको निरन्तर स्रोत बनिरहन्छ.
निश्कर्षमा, Mega Dice stands out as a trailblazer in the evolving landscape of online gambling, खेलाडीहरूलाई अतुलनीय गेमिङ अनुभव प्रदान गर्न खेलहरूको विविध एरेसँग अत्याधुनिक प्रविधिको संयोजन. आज मेगा पासामा सामेल हुनुहोस् र क्रिप्टो क्यासिनो र खेल पुस्तक मनोरन्जनको भविष्यको साक्षी दिनुहोस्.
स्वागत बोनस
200% स्वागत बोनस 1BTC सम्म + 50 नि: शुल्क स्पिनहरू
समर्थित भाषाहरू
अंग्रेजी, जर्मन, स्पेनिस, फ्रान्सेली, हंगेरी, फिनिस, नर्वेजियन, चेक, इटालियन, पोलिश, पोर्चुगिज, रोमानियाली, रुसी, जापानी, टर्की, मन्डारिन, इन्डोनेसियाली, अरबी, कोरियाली, भियतनामी, थाई
स्वीकृत क्रिप्टोकरन्सीहरू
कुराकाओ गेमिङ लाइसेन्स
वर्ष सञ्चालन सुरु भयो

Cloudbet समीक्षा

Cloudbet is a premier sportsbook offering top-notch sports betting services globally, with the added advantage of accepting various cryptocurrencies such as BTC, ETH, BCH, XRP, र अधिक. Its casino section features live dealer games, recommended slots, ज्याकपोट खेलहरू, baccarat, र रूलेट. Cloudbet also offers a welcome bonus for both sports and casino betting enthusiasts, which is gradually released as bets are placed. The sportsbook section includes standard betting types like money line, totals, spread, and handicaps for a wide range of sports, including popular ones like football, टेनिस, बास्केटबल, and cricket, as well as lesser-known sports such as snooker, डार्ट्स, and floorball. Cloudbet also provides odds on racing sports and popular reality shows and TV series, making it worth keeping an eye on these exotic markets as they are often subject to speculation and can offer surprisingly good odds.
Cloudbet’s Bitcoin sportsbook bonus is particularly noteworthy. You can receive up to 5 BTC for registering and depositing into your account. This bonus is a 100% deposit match, meaning you must deposit an equal amount to what you wish to receive. यद्यपि, the bonus is released gradually, requiring you to play through each credited amount to unlock the next instalment. Cloudbet also allows betting on competitions with zero margin odds, ensuring the most competitive prices globally for various popular sports like basketball, soccer, टेनिस, and American football. Look for events highlighted with yellow boxes, indicating the fairest pre-match odds.
- 60+ games with a jackpot
- High Roller welcome bonus of up to 5 BTC
- Zero margin sports bets hour
- Dedicated eSports market section
- Marketplace with rewards for loyal players
स्वागत बोनस
100% सम्म बोनस स्वागत छ 5 BTC, 150 नयाँ खेलाडीहरूको लागि FS प्रस्ताव (अनलक गर्न न्यूनतम जम्मा – 50 EUR बराबर, वैधता – 24h, रोलओभर आवश्यकताहरू – 25x)
समर्थित भाषाहरू
अंग्रेजी, स्पेनिस, Deutsch, इटालियन, फ्रान्सेली, इन्डोनेसियाली, पोलिश, पोर्चुगिज, रुसी, जापानी
स्वीकृत क्रिप्टोकरन्सीहरू
कुराकाओ गेमिङ लाइसेन्स
वर्ष सञ्चालन सुरु भयो

 has rapidly established itself as a key figure in the dynamic world of online gambling. This decentralized platform is celebrated for its user-friendly interface and superior performance, making it a favored option for both newcomers and experienced bettors in search of a captivating and efficient betting experience. The platform’s global reach is highlighted by its straightforward registration process, पूर्ण गुमनामता, र छिटो भुक्तानी प्रणाली, enabling players from all over the globe to effortlessly participate in the thrill of online betting. functions as a versatile platform, serving as both a sports betting site and a casino. Its in-house blog enhances its value by offering insightful articles on crypto betting, खेल तालिका, निरन्तर पदोन्नति, and updates in the betting industry. The platform’s dedication to engaging its users is further demonstrated through a generous welcome package, offering a significant 125% boost to funds for an immediate increase of up to $1000. With a minimal deposit of $20 in crypto and a reasonable 35x wagering requirement, ensures an accessible entry point for players of all skill levels.
The deposit and withdrawal processes on are optimized, providing unparalleled convenience for users. Those with existing crypto wallets can start betting immediately upon registration, जम्मा वा निकासी को लागी कुनै प्रतीक्षा समय संग. प्लेटफर्मको सफ्टवेयर र खेल चयन समान रूपमा प्रभावशाली छन्, covering a broad range of sports, from esports to traditional games like football, बास्केटबल, र अधिक. In addition to sports betting, features a diverse casino section with over a hundred options, partnering with reputable providers such as BGaming, खाका, विकास, र अन्य.
What distinguishes is its commitment to user privacy and fair play. The registration process is straightforward, requiring only an email and a secure password, and users can also sign up via Facebook, गूगल, ट्विटर, वा तिनीहरूको क्रिप्टो वालेट. उल्लेखनीय रूपमा, KYC प्रक्रिया बिना सञ्चालन हुन्छ, ensuring a quick and anonymous registration process. प्लेटफर्मले सम्भवतः निष्पक्ष जुवाका सिद्धान्तहरूलाई समर्थन गर्न ब्लकचेन-आधारित एल्गोरिदमहरू प्रयोग गर्दछ।, sending hashed results to players before games begin. This transparent approach allows bettors to verify results without compromising their anonymity, अनलाइन गेमिङमा सुरक्षा र अखण्डताप्रति को समर्पणलाई हाइलाइट गर्दै.
- गुमनामता
- 125% स्वागत बोनस
- विश्वव्यापी पहुँच
- तत्काल भुक्तानीहरू
- सम्भवतः निष्पक्ष जुवा
स्वागत बोनस
125% सम्म $1000 (10खेलकुदमा x रोलओभर)
समर्थित भाषाहरू
अंग्रेजी, चिनियाँ, कोरियाली, टर्की, रुसी
स्वीकृत क्रिप्टोकरन्सीहरू
Mwali को स्वायत्त द्वीप मा दर्ता, कोमोरोस संघ
वर्ष सञ्चालन सुरु भयो


Crashino, a visually appealing online casino, features a pleasing color scheme and an intuitive interface. The site not only looks appealing but also functions flawlessly, without any technical or lag issues during testing. Whether you’re navigating through menus or engaging in games, the experience remains smooth and uninterrupted. साथै, Crashino is compatible with desktops, mobiles, and tablets, ensuring a stable experience across web browsers on mobile devices.
The games on Crashino are organized into “crypto” र “क्यासिनो” sections, which helps experienced users easily distinguish between mainstream and crypto providers. Even though games can be played with crypto, this categorization aids users in quickly identifying their preferred gaming providers. The platform allows for filtering games by provider and category, enhancing user convenience.
Crashino’s customer support is readily available through a live chat button located at the bottom right corner of the website, ensuring immediate assistance from knowledgeable help agents. यसबाहेक, the account panel in the top right provides easy access to the cashier and promotions, making essential functionalities easily accessible from the homepage.
The gaming library at Crashino is vast, featuring over 3000 भन्दा बढीबाट खेलहरू 110 gaming suppliers, including renowned names like Relax Gaming, Quickspin, Thunderkick, र विकास. The division between Crypto Games and Casino offers users a wide range of gaming options. The platform includes slots, jackpots, टेबल खेलहरू, live casino, केनो, प्लिन्को, पासा, खानीहरू, and Instant Win games.
The casino section offers a variety of provably fair games, माथिको साथ 20 options provided by reputable gaming suppliers like BGaming, EvoPlay, and Gamzix. Table games at Crashino include more than 100 options, featuring numerous variations of Blackjack, Baccarat, र रूलेट. The platform excels in jackpot slots, प्रस्ताव गर्दै 120 शीर्षकहरू, some with network jackpots exceeding $1 मिलियन.
Crashino’s live dealer lobby is remarkable, with partnerships with more than 19 live gaming studios, including leading companies like Evolution Gaming and Pragmatic Play. The live casino collection includes classic games like Baccarat, रूलेट, ब्ल्याक ज्याक, पोकर, and Craps, as well as engaging Game Shows.
सुरक्षाको हिसाबले, the platform emphasizes provably fair gaming and uses 256-bit SSL encryption to protect user information. While Crashino typically does not require a Know Your Customer (KYC) procedure, exceptions may apply during withdrawals.
Crashino supports both fiat and cryptocurrencies, संग 14 accepted crypto options. The platform facilitates easy deposits and withdrawals, and the casino does not charge transaction fees. Customer support is available 24/7 through live chat, offering assistance in English, पोर्चुगिज, स्पेनिस, and Russian.
संक्षिप्तमा, Crashino offers a user-friendly and varied gaming experience with a focus on security and customer support. The platform’s extensive game selection, सम्भवतः निष्पक्ष खेलहरू, and seamless functionality make it a notable player in the online casino industry.
- Diverse Gaming Library
- Provably Fair Games
- User-Friendly Interface
- 24/7 ग्राहक समर्थन
- Crypto and Fiat Support
स्वागत बोनस
100% सम्म बोनस स्वागत छ 1,000 USDT + 50 नि: शुल्क स्पिनहरू
समर्थित भाषाहरू
अंग्रेजी, जर्मन, स्पेनिस, फ्रान्सेली, पोर्चुगिज, रुसी
स्वीकृत क्रिप्टोकरन्सीहरू
कुराकाओ गेमिङ लाइसेन्स
वर्ष सञ्चालन सुरु भयो


Huge Win Casino emerges as a progressive crypto-only gaming platform, अनलाइन जुवा उद्योग मा बढ्दो प्रवृत्ति संग पङ्क्तिबद्ध. It distinguishes itself with rapid transaction processing and enhanced user privacy, catering exclusively to cryptocurrency aficionados, परम्परागत फिएट क्यासिनोको विकल्प प्रदान गर्दै.
The platform surpasses conventional offerings by integrating a dedicated virtual bookmaking section along with its wide array of games. The inclusion of virtual sports caters to enthusiasts seeking a comprehensive gaming experience.
What sets Huge Win apart is its enticing array of promotions and discounts, प्रयोगकर्ताहरूलाई संलग्न राख्न रणनीतिक रूपमा डिजाइन गरिएको. यी मध्ये मासिक टर्नओभर प्रतियोगिता हो, boasting a substantial $100,000 पुरस्कार पूल. साथै, प्रयोगकर्ताहरूले विभिन्न बोनसहरूको आनन्द लिन सक्छन्, रेफरल पुरस्कार, र दैनिक क्यासिनो बोनस, तिनीहरूको गेमिङ सत्रहरूमा मूल्य थप्दै.
जनवरीमा सुरु भयो 2024, Huge Win Casino aims to become the leading online Bitcoin casino globally. It has secured a Curaçao eGaming license, पारदर्शिता र सुरक्षाप्रति आफ्नो प्रतिबद्धतालाई जोड दिँदै. एक व्यापक खेल पुस्तकालय संग, माथि सहित 7,000 स्लट खेलहरू र विभिन्न परम्परागत र भर्चुअल जुवा विकल्पहरू, विशाल विन क्यासिनोले विविध दर्शकहरूलाई मोहित गर्ने लक्ष्य राख्छ.
प्लेटफर्मको दृश्य आकर्षक वेबसाइट, characterized by a sophisticated black background punctuated with gold elements, समग्र डिजिटल अनुभव बृद्धि गर्दछ. क्यासिनो र खेलपुस्तिका खण्डहरू बीच सिमलेस नेभिगेसनले प्रयोगकर्ता-अनुकूल पहुँचमा योगदान पुर्याउँछ.
Handling deposits and withdrawals with a cryptocurrency-centric approach, विशाल विन क्यासिनोले बिटकोइन जस्ता प्रमुख डिजिटल मुद्राहरू स्वीकार गर्दछ, ट्रोन, Binance सिक्का, र Dogecoin. यसले कुशल लेनदेन प्रशोधन सुनिश्चित गर्दछ र क्रिप्टोकरन्सी उत्साहीहरूको प्राथमिकताहरूसँग पङ्क्तिबद्ध गर्दछ।.
संग सहकार्य गर्दै 72 सफ्टवेयर प्रदायकहरू, NetEnt जस्ता उद्योग दिग्गजहरू सहित, माइक्रोगेमिङ, र इभोलुसन गेमिङ, विशाल विन क्यासिनोले धेरै प्रकारका खेलहरू प्रदान गर्दछ. स्लटहरू र टेबल गेमहरूबाट लाइभ क्यासिनो अनुभवहरू र अद्वितीय क्र्यास गेम शीर्षकहरू, प्लेटफर्मले विविध गेमिङ प्यालेट पूरा गर्छ.
सकारात्मक प्रयोगकर्ता प्रतिक्रिया, although limited due to the platform’s recent launch, emphasizes the strengths of Huge Win Casino. समर्थन टोली, इमेल वा लाइभ च्याट मार्फत पहुँचयोग्य, earns praise for its prompt and helpful responses. सुरक्षा उपायहरू, SSL एल्गोरिदम र KYC प्रमाणीकरण सहित, highlight the platform’s commitment to user protection.
संक्षिप्तमा, Huge Win Casino presents a promising entrant in the crypto gambling arena, विविध गेमिङ पोर्टफोलियो प्रदान गर्दै, बलियो सुरक्षा सुविधाहरू, र मोहक प्रचारात्मक प्रस्तावहरू. जसरी यसले बजारमा आफूलाई स्थापित गर्छ, यो प्लेटफर्म गेमिङ उत्साहीहरूको फराकिलो दर्शकहरूलाई आकर्षित गर्न र कायम राख्न तयार छ.
- Cryptocurrency विशिष्टता
- उदार प्रचार र छुट
- विस्तृत खेल चयन
- दृश्यात्मक रूपमा आकर्षक वेबसाइट
- सुरक्षा उपायहरू
स्वागत बोनस
100% स्वागत बोनस, प्रगतिशील ज्याकपट र क्यासब्याक
समर्थित भाषाहरू
अंग्रेजी, पोर्चुगिज, मन्डारिन, अरबी, फारसी, हिब्रू, टर्की, कुर्दिश, अजरबैजानी
स्वीकृत क्रिप्टोकरन्सीहरू
बिटकोइन, इथरियम, टिथर, Litecoin, Binance सिक्का, ट्रोन, लहर, Dogecoin
कुराकाओ eGaming लाइसेन्स
वर्ष सञ्चालन सुरु भयो
एक साइट समीक्षा आवश्यक छ?
हामी तपाईंको साइटको समीक्षा गर्न र यसलाई यहाँ राख्न चाहन्छौं.
How to Choose a Bitcoin Betting Bonus (₿)
When choosing a Bitcoin betting bonus, it’s crucial to pay attention to several key factors and be wary of unfamiliar terms or anything that might cause confusion. It’s beneficial to compare the offers from various brands. This guide will delve into the fundamental terms and conditions you’re likely to encounter when selecting a Bitcoin sportsbook bonus.
Rollover requirements
Rollover requirements define the number of times you must bet the bonus amount before you’re eligible to withdraw any winnings. कहिलेकाहीँ, the rollover calculation encompasses both your deposit and the bonus. It’s essential to understand this difference, and you can usually find these details in the detailed bonus terms and conditions. Paying attention to rollover requirements is important because they can vary significantly across different betting platforms, with high rollover requirements potentially complicating the process of meeting withdrawal criteria.
Minimum bet slip odds
Minimum bet slip odds indicate the lowest odds you must apply to a bet to qualify for the bonus or for your bet to contribute towards the rollover requirement. It’s crucial to verify these odds because a Bitcoin sportsbook deposit bonus might require higher odds, limiting your betting options. साधारणतया, even-money bets are typically acceptable.
Wagering time restrictions
Wagering time restrictions establish a deadline for utilizing your bonus. Certain betting sites enforce strict time limits, necessitating you to use the bonus within a specified timeframe or risk forfeiting it. The specifics of these restrictions can vary widely among sportsbooks, potentially ranging from a single day to a week or even a month.
Welcome package
A welcome package refers to the bonus provided when you sign up with a Bitcoin betting site. अवधि “package” implies a collection of advantages waiting for you. Some betting platforms offer cashback on losses, free bets, and other rewards. By comparing the welcome packages from different betting sites, you can identify the one that offers the best value for your investment.
Single or multiples
Single or multiple bets refer to the types of wagers that are eligible for the bonus. Some bonuses are applicable only to single bets, whereas others are applicable to multiple bets. Confirming the types of bets that qualify for the bonus helps you maximize the bonus offer and align it with your betting strategy.
Maximum bonus winnings
Maximum bonus winnings denote the maximum amount you can win with the bonus. It’s important to verify this because some betting platforms might have a cap that doesn’t meet your expectations. This cap differs among sportsbooks, so it’s essential to consult with your chosen operator to understand the maximum win amount with your bonus.
Eligible market types
Eligible market types pertain to the sports categories that are eligible for the bonus. Pay attention to any additional conditions regarding the qualifying bets. Although top Bitcoin sportsbooks seldom exclude specific sports from their bonuses, verifying this in the terms and conditions guarantees clarity. This verification ensures you can wager on sports or events of interest, whether it’s Bitcoin betting on eSports, football betting with Bitcoin, or another option.
Maximum stake percentage
The maximum stake percentage indicates the percentage of the bonus amount you can apply to a single bet. Some betting sites might limit the maximum stake percentage, thereby restricting the amount you can bet with the bonus. It’s crucial to check this to ensure you can use as much of your bonus as desired in a single bet without affecting future betting opportunities.
Steps to Claim a BTC Sports Betting Bonus
Similar to other Bitcoin जुवा activities, sports betting is often accompanied by various bonus offers. यद्यपि, to claim your share, you need to understand the requirements. Most sportsbooks adhere to a specific process for providing customers with bonus amounts or other benefits. By learning these steps, you can likely apply them across different sportsbooks and successfully claim a reward.
Register with the bookmaker of your choice
To redeem a Bitcoin sportsbook bonus, you need to sign up with a bookmaker that offers such a promotion. Registering an account on a BTC sports सट्टेबाजी साइटले सामान्यतया आधारभूत व्यक्तिगत जानकारी प्रदान गर्दछ, जस्तै तपाईको इमेल, नाम, र जन्म मिति. तपाईंले सामान्यतया जम्मा गर्न अनुमति दिनु अघि व्यापक प्रमाणीकरणबाट गुज्रनु पर्दैन. यद्यपि, प्रमाणीकरण सन्देशको लागि आफ्नो इमेल जाँच गर्न सल्लाह दिइन्छ.
T मार्फत पढ्नुहोस्&बोनसको C
बोनस रिडिम गर्नु अघि, सान्दर्भिक नियम र सर्तहरूको समीक्षा गर्न महत्त्वपूर्ण छ. यो चरणले तपाईंले बोनस दाबी गर्न र फिर्ता लिनको लागि पूरा गर्नुपर्ने मापदण्डहरू स्पष्ट गर्नेछ. जे भएपनि, तपाईं विस्तृत आवश्यकताहरू नबुझेर मात्र प्रस्ताव स्वीकार गर्न सक्नुहुन्न. हामीले पहिले कभर गरेका बिन्दुहरूमा ध्यान दिन निश्चित गर्नुहोस्, जस्तै रोलओभर गणना, योग्य बजारहरू, अधिकतम हिस्सेदारी, न्यूनतम बाधाहरू, र अधिक.
बोनस प्राप्त गर्न को लागी, तपाईंले आफ्नो सट्टेबाजी खातामा जम्मा गर्नुपर्छ, unless you are eligible for a no-deposit bonus offer. The specific amount required for the deposit will vary based on the bonus offer you choose. It’s crucial to clarify the minimum deposit amount and the percentage of your investment that will be matched as a bonus. ए 100% match is generally considered the ideal standard.
Contact the Support team if you have issues
Should you face any challenges while attempting to redeem a Bitcoin sportsbook bonus, it’s advisable to get in touch with the site’s customer support for help. The support team is available to assist with a range of issues, including technical glitches or inquiries about the bonus’s terms and conditions. They can offer the required information and advice to ensure you can successfully claim your prize.
Types of Bitcoin Bonuses
Bitcoin bonuses are available in a variety of formats that can be advantageous for sports bettors. Each bonus category has its own set of terms and conditions. यद्यपि, they may encompass matched deposit bonuses, free bets, no deposit bets, rebate bonuses, पुन: लोड बोनस, कुनै जम्मा बोनस छैन, and refer-a-friend bonuses. Knowing the distinctions between these bonuses can aid in selecting the most suitable one for your needs.
मिल्दो जम्मा बोनस
A matched deposit bonus is a bonus where the sportsbook matches a certain percentage of the money you deposit into your account. उदाहरण को रुपमा, if you put $100 into your account and the sportsbook provides a 100% matched deposit bonus, you’ll get an extra $100 in bonus money. यो हो, अवश्य पनि, provided that $100 is within the maximum amount you’re eligible to claim. साथै, there’s a minimum deposit amount that you cannot go below.
Free bets
Free bets are a type of bonus that lets you place a bet without using your own money. The sportsbook will give you a certain amount of bonus money, and if your bet is successful, you’ll receive the winnings but not the original bet amount. कहिले काहिँ, the process is reversed; you must first place and lose a bet before a free bet is added to your account. These bonuses are frequently included in welcome packages or for particular events and promotions.
No deposit bets
A Bitcoin sports betting welcome bonus that doesn’t require a deposit is quite uncommon but still possible. The sportsbook will offer you a specific amount of bonus money to place a bet with, and if your bet is successful, you’ll get the winnings but not the original bet amount. These bonuses are an excellent opportunity to test out a sportsbook without risking your own money. Given that you don’t need to make an investment, it’s even more important to review the terms and conditions to understand when you can withdraw the bonus.
Rebate bonus
A rebate bonus is a bonus that refunds a percentage of your losses as a bonus. उदाहरण को रुपमा, if you have a 10% rebate bonus and lose $100, you’ll get $10 back at some point. There are daily, साप्ताहिक, and monthly cashback options. These bonuses are frequently employed to mitigate the impact of losses and motivate gamblers to trust their instincts.
बोनस पुन: लोड गर्नुहोस्
A reload bonus is a bonus you get when you make additional deposits after your initial one. The bonus amount can vary by sportsbook, but it might be a percentage of your deposit or a fixed amount of bonus money. These bonuses are commonly included in welcome packages or daily promotions programs.
कुनै जम्मा बोनस छैन
A no deposit bonus is a gift you receive without making an initial investment. These bonuses are typically smaller than deposit bonuses and might be restricted to certain games or sports. यस बावजुद, they’re an excellent way to test out a sportsbook before putting your money into it.
Refer-a-friend bonus
A refer-a-friend betting bonus is a promotional initiative by sports betting platforms to incentivize current users to invite their friends to join the platform. सामान्यतया, the program rewards the referrer with a bonus or free bet credit, and the friend who is referred also gets a bonus or free bet once they make a qualifying deposit or place a bet. It’s important for customers to thoroughly review the terms and conditions before engaging in any betting bonus program.
तपाईंको क्रिप्टोसँग जिम्मेवारीपूर्वक शर्त गर्नुहोस्
It’s crucial to be aware of your boundaries and not to overstep them. Gambling should be seen as a form of entertainment, not a dependable income source. If your personal life is being affected by your gambling habits, here are some signs that it might be time to stop:
- You’re obsessed with gambling to the point where it’s all you can think about;
- Your debt is on the rise;
- You’re unable to keep track of your losses;
- You’re playing real-money games without fully understanding the rules;
- Family members are frequently urging you to quit.
FAQ: Betting Bonuses with Bitcoin
Is it safe to place sports bets with crypto?
हो, engaging in sports betting with Bitcoin is generally secure if you choose a licensed and well-regarded sportsbook platform that uses strong security protocols to safeguard your money and personal data. Regarding profitability, it’s important to remember that no one can assure you of winning, and in the long run, you should anticipate losses.
Do crypto deposit bonuses have a wagering requirement?
हो, similar to most deposit bonuses, crypto deposit bonuses typically involve a wagering requirement. This means you must wager the bonus amount a specific number of times before you can withdraw any winnings. Some sportsbooks innovatively offer a risk-free wager that matches your first wager only if it loses. This ensures that you will have placed at least one bet equal to the bonus amount.
BTC को बाहेक, what are the other widely used coins for sports betting?
Beyond Bitcoin, other cryptocurrencies have become increasingly popular in the sports betting sector. इथरियम, Litecoin, and Bitcoin Cash are commonly accepted by numerous sportsbooks for both deposits and withdrawals, providing quicker transaction times and lower fees compared to traditional payment methods. Shiba Inu and Dogecoin are two meme coins that are particularly favored by online gamblers, alongside Tether and Binance, which are considered more reliable options.
What do I do, if I register and deposit, but do not receive a bonus?
If you find that you haven’t received a bonus after registering and making a deposit, you should reach out to the customer support team of the sportsbook. Provide them with the necessary details, including your account information and transaction history. Customer support is the best resource for resolving such issues.
What eSports can I bet on with my BTC bonus?
The eSports you can wager on with your Bitcoin bonus will vary depending on the sportsbook you choose. जे होस्, popular choices include League of Legends, CS:जानुहोस्, डोटा 2, Overwatch, र Valorant. Some sportsbooks also offer older RTS games such as Warcraft III and StarCraft II.
निष्कर्ष: The Best Bitcoin Betting Bonuses Ranked by
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व्यापार & साझेदारी सोधपुछ
व्यापार वा साझेदारी प्रश्नहरूको लागि, कृपया हामीलाई [email protected] मार्फत सम्पर्क गर्नुहोस्. हाम्रा मार्केटिङ विशेषज्ञहरूले तपाईंलाई सकेसम्म चाँडो सहयोग गर्नेछन्.